Plan K

Friday, Apr. 26, 2002 ~ 10:16 PM

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I just wanna show you the way that I feel.

I�ve spent the past few days working up the nerve to ask someone that I really want to kiss, if she would mind terribly if I kissed her. That�s what I asked Alison last night. Standing in the rain under our umbrellas on the corner of the street her apartment is on. I said� �Would you mind terribly if I kissed you? You can say �no� or rather, �yes� which would mean that you do mind which would mean no.� She said, �I don�t know. I mean, no I wouldn�t mind but I don�t� (k)no(w)� I don�t think I� (k)no(w).� So I said that it was okay. And bade her good night and got in a cab and went home.

I had never done anything like that before. Never. And last night I put myself out on a limb and the branch I was on broke.

Later� the lumberjacks came.

Alison is in love.
Alison is in love with her boyfriend.
Alison is in love with her boyfriend who shares her apartment with her.

(chuckles) <~ It�s well over 24 hours after the fact and I can chuckle now.

I have come to the decision that I like her; I have fun with her; I�m attracted to her, and as long as she�s game I see no reason not to continue liking her, having fun with her, and being attracted to her. I just can�t move in.

At least this way I know that this will never have the opportunity to develop into anything that could hurt the both of us and have her boyfriend hate the very mention of my name. Actually, Alison says that he�s very supportive of her bi-sexuality [Not as supportive as I am, I�m sure� but still it�s quite nice]. They�ve been together for a while. She is with him and they�re not budging.

Oh yes and work was fine. I am apparently well suited to Investor Relations. Bah! Bah! I say! But the truth is that no matter how much I�ve bitched, I�ve missed working. I�ve missed having tasks and accomplishing them. I�ve missed people coming to me for answers/results. I miss having what they need. I hate being so useless. I will be more than a little sad I think when my assignment ends next week.

This morning, the grass had two lovers. She couldn�t decide between the frost or the dew. And in the heat of new, trees give off steam in the morning sun. (Even nature envies the Big Apple)


Right Foot In < < < < < < < < < > > > > > > > > > Right Foot Out

Now Shake it all about!

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