The Space Between

Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2002 ~ 6:52 AM

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I just wanna show you the way that I feel.

At first the fog was so thick I couldn�t see far enough in front of me to notice the time and space between our goodbye and when our next hello will be. I just looked up at the moon and was jealous that she sees more of you than I do.

And now I look up at the sky and wonder if maybe the she looks forward to these fall mornings as much as I do. These mornings when for a brief moment the moon and the sun are in the same place at the same time. The sky isn�t cornered but they seem fitted into the sharpest edges of it. And the fog has lifted now and I can see the years of light between them. I turn west on Main Street, into the moon, hoping to bridge the gap that the sun can�t.

Sometimes even the stars aren�t company enough.


Right Foot In < < < < < < < < < > > > > > > > > > Right Foot Out

Now Shake it all about!

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