Where the Girls Are.

Sunday, Oct. 06, 2002 ~ 8:09 PM

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I just wanna show you the way that I feel.

So Friday was Tristan.

This involved Katie and I being crammed in Stoddard auditorium at Smith for and hour with hundreds of horny little dykes waiting for Tristan to appear before being told that there was more room in another hall. We were not told to run, but seeing as how most of us were wearing sensible shoes, we did.
And I would like to point out that just because a girl is femme and is wearing a skirt, it does not mean that she can�t haul ass and beat out some of the butchest babes in the bunch. The slits of my skirt made it all the more aerodynamic as did my perfectly shaved long legs. And I was happy to show all those underclass(wo)men the proper way to worship a goddess.

And Tristan.
There are no words to describe her. Yes, she�s sexy. and witty. and classy. and smart as fuck. and smart about fucking. and adventurous. and a dom. and yummy. and well read. and well traveled. and wears glasses. and is unabashed. � But she�s really so much more than that. She�s perfect.

I sat there looking up at her� and it dawned on me that she was absolutely what I want to be when I grow up [sorry Oprah]. But more importantly who I want to be with. And then I was shy and intimidated. And when she answered my question I felt like total tulle. And of course I bought the new book. And of course I got her to autograph it. I had my SharpiePen all ready for her to use and she said, �You carry your very own Sharpie with you at all times?� I think my response was a, �Well� I like to be prepared.� And she kindof smiled. Then she asked me my name and I looked at her and I said, �Andrea� and she just paused. For a second there I thought that I�d only said it in my head. It was strange how my name sounded bounced back to me in her direct stare. [On-dre-uh.] And admittedly I liked having her full attention, but it was her full attention and I immediately got very insecure and the only thing that I can think of to say was, �It�s spelled like Andrea.�

I will remember the moment for the rest of my life and she had probably forgotten me before I got out of the door. C�est la vie. That�s the luxury of being adored by thousands of complete strangers. I have decided that I will just be thrilled with the small victory of remembering my name.

Saturday was the better half of the NFL. The WPFL. Sadie plays for the New England Storm. I love football but I have come to the conclusion that football is far cooler when you get to drink and flirt with the players afterwards at the party.

And one would think that with what happened with Verona and Alison, I�d be undeterred in any situation, be it girlfriend or boyfriend. As it is somewhere between Alison and last night I�d developed the pesky condition of morals. So as soon as I found out from Sadie that the LittleOne from last week had a girlfriend I immediately, but politely (because she was still really cute and still flirting with me) aborted mission.

And then there was the issue of Jenn whose observation (while placing her hand in a very friendly position on my thigh) that she was the only straight girl at the party and the fact that she was really hot amused me very much. However when (after grabbing me and dragging me onto the dance floor) she told me that she was 20 and had a boyfriend, I found myself trying to hide my amusement. She on the other hand, did not try to hide her dismay at my departure when she said, �But I really like you. You�re cute and fun and I really wish you�d stay.� I found out this morning in a call from Sadie that she�d �hooked up� with a girl on the team.

On the drive home today Katie told me that I could never again complain that women weren�t interested in me as I could have had fun with either girl and I chose not to.

Damn morals!
Those have got to go.


Right Foot In < < < < < < < < < > > > > > > > > > Right Foot Out

Now Shake it all about!

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