Sunrise Sunset

Monday, Sept. 16, 2002 ~ 8:29 AM

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I just wanna show you the way that I feel.

I have learned two very important things about myself in the past 12 or so hours.

1. I eat a lot.
2. I would not at all make a positive or vigorous addition to the Jewish faith.

For a couple of years or so I have been very curious about Judaism. Specifically the observance of the High Holy Days. So this year I decided to try my hand at Yom Kippur.

Thus far I have, washed, lotioned, worn leather shoes, and last night in a sleepy haze, imbibed water. And it's only by the default of singleton-ness that I haven't had sex. And I didn't properly prepare the day before and atone to others, and I won't be confessing and I know none of the prayers. So clearly I would make a shabby Jew.

And being that I snack all day as opposed to 3 meals... I am STARVING. But each pang of hunger reminds me of my purpose. And if I can accomplish this (though I will certainly have to break for water) I will... I dunno.

I have never been conscious of a need to atone. So what appeals to me is the Book of Life. Its opening and closing. Its series of rebirths. And I think that after this year I would like to close some things and open others.


Right Foot In < < < < < < < < < > > > > > > > > > Right Foot Out

Now Shake it all about!

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