
Friday, Mar. 29, 2002 ~ 12:30 PM

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I just wanna show you the way that I feel.

My house sounds like a night club. My brother and sister seem must have the ears of Ozzy Osbourne. Really obnoxious bass laden, lyric deficient, but oh-so-popular noise is blasting. While I appreciate their wanting to share their musical taste, I don�t think our little neighborhood is that receptive. And I for one, would prefer not to lose my hearing this way.


Bah! I thought that I had something witty (well, okay� at least sardonic) for this entry. I don�t. So I will leave you with a thought from my walk this morning.

Maybe the squirrels know something we don�t. I watch them as they climb to the tips of the trees. I watch as they brave the bare branches to sway in the new green. The squirrels don�t sneeze as I do, when covered in coming blossoms. I stop and wonder if the trees strain themselves as I do, to lose themselves in the sun. The trees, the trees are promised new life each year; they embrace it from the tops to the bottoms of them. Or maybe they just do it for the company of the squirrels.


Right Foot In < < < < < < < < < > > > > > > > > > Right Foot Out

Now Shake it all about!

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