This Halloween I'm going to be Sarah Brightman.

Friday, Mar. 15, 2002 ~ 3:25 PM

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I just wanna show you the way that I feel.

Okay... so this is just a boring business entry.

Audition number one has been tucked safely under my... panties? no. belt? no. ...safely under my... well, something. My classical piece went like cake and the contemporary piece was quite possibly the frosting. Sweet. But not too sweet, you know?

But if you'd like an example of just how trippy theatre people are let's discuss the RULES posted for the audition.
1. State your name.
2. Do not announce your pieces.
3. Stay as far upstage from the casting director as possible.
4. Do not acknowledge/look at the casting director at all, save for when stating your name.

Generally I have no problems with rules/guidelines... but never have I been told to not look at the casting director. Not only was this a posted rule but the administrator at the door re-iterated this request and said "Oh, she's very particular."

Needless to say, our fearless heroine Andi now has "pink elephant" syndrome. She is the FIRST thing I see upon entering the room. I walk in and the casting director is this Sarah Brightman-esque [Now, I love Sarah Brightman. Her voice is divine. But the lady herself strikes me as some sort of an evil faery. Some new version of Puck. She looks like if you got too close to her she might either force her sexual will upon you or bite your head off. Either way she'd end up singing about it.] figure clad head to toe in black and huddled (but not so that she couldn't spring if she had to) in a corner. She had a timer. She had a timer which she employed and used as her only form of communication with you as she promptly cut you off after a minute of speech. Either way I felt that if I got too close to her she might force her sexual will upon me (not that I have a problem with older women... just the scary kind who need you to get off in a minute) or bite my head off. Though I don't think that singing is her forte.

Whew so that's over... we'll see how the big audition in Boston goes on Sunday.


Right Foot In < < < < < < < < < > > > > > > > > > Right Foot Out

Now Shake it all about!

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